![]() 12/28/2018 at 20:22 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
Today was my last day at the job I’ve had for over a decade. I’m planning on some freelance work for a former manager, but the world is wide open now.
What would you do in my shoes?
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“ What would you do in my shoes?”
-Arch Duke Maxyenko
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I’ll drink to that. Cheers bro
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woah... scary
shit i dont know what i’d do in your shoes
i like having a bossman/lady... and just do as im told (really... allowing me to do as i please would only work out after the apocalypse)
best of luck to you... i hope whatever you decide to do works out beautifully :)
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Working on that :)
Also planning a trip to Montreal for the Grand Prix.
Maybe I’ll learn to weld. Or at least clean out the garage.
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Sounds like a plan.
/cracks open another beer
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Cleaning out the garage is always a good place to start. And you can stick at the same time. MULTI TASKING
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up your credit limits. (if you have not done so already).
Good to have a massive parachute
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Rob banks, break into homes of the rich elderly, steal wheels off Accord Sports, not die, brap the Abarth, steal candy from toddlers, eat the candy in front of them, & shit post here.
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Yeah, that’ll have to wait until it’s at least over 40 out though! I’ll single-task until then.
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I told my manager I might buy something cheap and Japanese so I can make the Abarth fast and unreliable. He suggested a Matrix, since his has 370k miles and is still going strong. If he can give that sort of advice as I’m headed out the door he’s definitely worth keeping around for a recommendation!
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So.... go into politics?
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I guess it depends on what your education/ skills are, your age, what your living situation is, what are your savings, evaluate if any wishes can reasonably be granted now (e.g. travelling the fuck out of places), etc.
Knowing none of this, I have to suggest a celebratory meal. I don’t know on what terms you left your job, but the way I see it, food will lift your spirits regardless.
Oh, and as Arch Duke suggests, a drink is not a bad idea. I’d go for a cocktail on a good occasion but what the hell it’s all good.
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Montreal GP weekend is a good time! The race might be a little dull if it’s anything like this year but there’s so much to do otherwise.
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Give your car a little TLC with the free time.
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If I had plenty of money and no responsibilities, I’d go to work on finishing my private pilot requirements, get a small plane and go touring. Or buy a used RV and go touring. Or buy a decent touring motorcycle and go touring. Or prep my bicycle , get a flight out to the west coast, and make the trans-continental ride. In other words, go touring.
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I can definitely travel a bit while freelancing so I’m looking forward to checking off some places. I’ve been to every state but Alaska, for instance...so Alaska is gonna happen.
I’m also fortunate in that I bought this house making less than half of my current salary, so I have some flexibility to take some classes, make a total long-term career change, whatever. I’m just a little overwhelmed at the options right now!
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I should practice pa intless dent repair. I don’t think I can make the hail damage much worse.
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A definite possibility. I have a few too many animals to plan it immediately, but I’d really like to ride some of the Continental Divide Trail on the mountain bike.
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Take some risks work wise and travel. Travel is always a good deal.
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Get a convertible, take the dog, drive around the country fishing and eating at bbq and taco places. Blog about it, then do a 1 year option with the travel channel, continue.
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Yes to welding, MIG is super easy to learn and once you know how you look like a master fabricator to everyone who can’t.
TIG is less easy, but it’s super rewarding when you do get it right.
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That sounds like it'd be worthwhile. I have no idea how that stuff is done.
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I read about a fellow who rode out of New Orleans after Katrina. On the way out of the flood, he picked up a trailer and a dog. Then he picked up a second trailer for the dog to ride in. He made it to Colorado before stopping.
If I were to take my dogs, the choice would be an RV.
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Yeah, a small RV would be nice. Even just a slightly-modified minivan. If Top Gear can do it, why can’t I?
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Sell the Fiat. Move to Belize. Start a golf cart racing series. Clean up from licensing, making book, and selling merchandise for the series. Then, sell the whole thing in a few years to F1 and buy your own damn island.
You sound like you’re in a good place with this, like you left on your terms. So I’m happy for you. Sounds like you are taking a positive view of the future, and that’s more likely than not going to lead to good things.
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Do you have any interest in autocrossing the Abarth? I’ve really enjoyed the time attack series that’s put on by PPIR just south of the Springs. The season officially starts in April!
And congrats by the way, I’m super envious of your position!
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Not a bad plan, since I think I’m too old to marry Bernie and get kidnapped for ransom every few years.
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I sort of have an interest but I’m also a little terrified by the idea! I have terrible depth perception so it takes me a bit to adapt to things like that (and karting...and we won’t get into my skiing or mountain biking skill s ) and I’m always really self-conscious in the meantime. But I’ll t hink about it!
And thank you! The decision was pretty terrifying and I’ll miss a lot of people at my office, but there are so many things I want to do that I kept putting off. I’m sure I’ll have really busy times with the new gig but I should be able to actually step away from the job when I’m not working now.
![]() 12/29/2018 at 00:59 |
I like the PPIR time attack because it’s less sea-of-cones than a typical autocross setup in an empty lot, which makes it a bit easier to see the course and have fun faster. I think the Abarth would do really well!
ome out and give it a shot ($50 for 5 timed runs, plus a small practice course you can run as many times as you want) and see if you like it. I’d be happy to ride along and/or give some tips.
![]() 12/29/2018 at 02:13 |
Mini-vacation! Road trip through all of Texas and meet the other Texas Opponauts. Don’t bother with El Paso, though. Way out of the way, and of the two El Paso Oppos, only ITA97 has a worthwhile personality. And he’s not even in El Paso anymore!
In all seriousness, though, enjoy your freedom. I would personally drown in it (I am an absolute mess when summer vacation comes around), but many people thrive in the arena of endless possibility. I'm confident you'll kick it's ass...whenever you figure out what IT will be. ^_^
![]() 12/29/2018 at 04:29 |
Awesome, congratulations!
I’d say the thing I’d do in your shoes is move, but that’s also the thing I’m planning to do, so maybe I’m doing a bad job pretending to be you.
![]() 12/29/2018 at 04:45 |
Plan a denver/front range oppoeet with the spare time?
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Fly to Poland, buy a cheap 126p, have a cross-Europe adventure? Bring it back with you when you’re done and give it to me? :P
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Watwver you do, you're going to rock it!
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Ok :) I’ll over think it for awhile and research the hell out of it, but I might give it a shot.
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I think it’s funny that Texas came up now, when’ve spent most of my career loathing trips to that state. Drove from Dallas to El Paso (via Carlsbad, NM) once and none of you spoke up then! I’m sure I’ll be back.
And El Paso has the best junkyards. All of Oppo should just swarm them one day.
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Tacos and bbq are too mainstream. I’d suggest trying to find the best sushi in the least likely places, but I don’t want to die. Ill have to think a little harder to figure out what the next trendy hipster food might be.
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Hah. I love looking at houses online but if I left Denver now I could never afford to come back. Now if I could turn my work history into a career in Europe (or even Canada) I might think a little harder about that!
Moving sucks though. I hope everything goes smoothly for you. Are you moving in town or headed somewhere new? (Sorry if you’ve mentioned already, my memory can be spotty when I can’t match faces with names!)
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How’s about I keep it and just import a fleet? Bulk discount, right?
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I mean we should all do that anyway.
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I hope so! I was getting pretty unhappy with a lot of stuff and the decision was terrifying. But now that everything is done I feel like a weight has been lifted. Even today feels hugely open and free and I had Saturday s off anyway. Except it’s so damn cold out I might just hide inside and play with LEGOs.
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I approve of this plan! I am currently sitting here looking up videos on Piaggio Apes, so there must be something wrong with me. :P
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I mean they’re adorable. I feel like someone in CO was trying to make/sell similar-looking electric models here recently but that was a rabbit hole a coworker got sucked down, not me.
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I support this. Learn how to make hot buttered rum and play Legos.
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Midwest casserole is the next big thing, cream of mushroom soup will be “rediscovered”.
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Dunno about Canada, but Europe seems kinda tough. Unless you’re in a handful of “shortage” industries, a prospective employer would need to prove that they tried hard to hire a European national but couldn’t.
You’re good; I haven’t mentioned the move at all. It’s pretty fuzzy right now. I’m still dealing with the total upheaval of my personal life, and in a couple of months the company I work for is getting officially sold. How things go after that will be a big determining factor of whether I stay there and move somewhere to work remotely, or look for another job that would either also let me work remotely or would involve a move.
So right now I only have this vague plan to move away from town in late summer or fall next year.
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Yeah, I have a few friends now living in England, Germany, and Australia, but they seemed to all originally find employment while associated with a university and were then retained for specialized knowledge. So if I decide to go back to school I may try to take that into account but I haven’t thought that far ahead yet. Right now I’m just in the “horribly jealous” phase.
I think knowing I could move without a specific place in mind would be overwhelming. Granted, I’ve spent a decade writing reports about public housing around the US so I’ve spent way too much time down rabbit holes looking up irrelevant stuff about half of these towns. It’s the moving equivalent of the Cheesecake Factory menu - eleventy-billion choices and no real way to distinguish most of them.